Nov 28, 2022 - 01:21 PM
Often two products are needed, one for the internal and one for the external. The Internal Powder will help to improve the health of your pet's skin and make him taste unpleasant to primarily fleas. For ticks we recommend the Herbal Protection Drops because this herbal remedy contains herbs that support your pet's immune system and also an antifeedant herb called neem. However, depending on your situation, an external powder like the Parasite Dust or an herbal spray like the Herbal Defense may be needed to keep these insects off during visits to the dog park or hikes etc... If you have fleas good housekeeping is a must and Diatomaceous Earth brushed into carpets can be very helpful. For the lawn beneficial nematodes can help control fleas and ticks on the property and can be found online. We have some good suggestions in our articles Natural Flea Control Solutions and Top 10 Tips to Help You with Natural Flea and Tick Control.