Dec 22, 2022 - 12:55 PM
You can use the Sovereign Silver Hydrosol in a couple of different ways. You can use the dropper to place a few drops in your pet's ears three or four times daily. After you use the drops massage the ear canal to distribute the silver. Sometimes this bothers animals a little because placing fluid into the ears can feel a little weird, but it is necessary to get the silver to areas you can't reach and bacteria/yeast can be hiding deep in the ears. Next, use a cotton pad and/or Q-tips to clean out the folds and parts of the ears you an reach. A helpful supplement to include is our Systemic Enzymes. This supplement contains special enzymes that help to kill yeast and cleanse the system. Of course diet can play a role in yeasty ears as well as most of the processed kibble pet foods contain large amount of starch/carbohydrates that can feed yeast. Try a whole food diet that uses real meat and veggies. Suggestions can be found in our article How to Feed Your Dog.