Jan 28, 2023 - 03:15 PM
Since the suggested serving of the Immune Balance is 1 ml per 25 lbs of animal weight, 3 mls is a fine serving for your 85 lb dog. However, you should be providing this serving 2 - 3 times daily depending on the severity of his condition. If his IMHA is acute and in a serious stage I would give the remedy three times daily until he is more stable and then you can go to two servings daily. Usually, when giving herbal remedies for the long term we suggest a five days on two days off schedule to give the body a break. However, with a serious, life-threatening condition like IMHA you should not take a break until your pet is stable and the blood test results are in the normal range. When the blood test comes back in good shape then you can start to go on the five days on and two days off schedule as long as your pet remains stable and doesn't slip backwards.