Feb 14, 2023 - 12:07 PM
Yes, you can provide the Nerve Tonic for your diabetic dog. Even though we recommend that our Nerve Tonic not be used with medications that can increase serotonin in the body, we have many dogs prescribed gabapentin that also use our Nerve Tonic without any issues. You can also provide the Myelin Sheath for a diabetic dog with one caveat that it does contain some naturally occurring glucose. This means that it can increase blood glucose levels in some dogs so you should monitor your dog's blood sugar after using the Myelin Sheath supplement to see if there are any changes. If there is an increase in glucose levels then the supplement serving can be reduced or the supplement discontinued. Gabapentin is a medication prescribed for seizures and nerve pain and can increase serotonin in the body. However, it fairly recently entered the pet market and is prescribed for everything these days, basically anything related to nerves or pain. Whether your dog truly needs this medication or not I can't be sure, and we can not tell you to not use a medication prescribed by your veterinarian. Instead, discuss with your vet why that medication has been prescribed and if it is truly necessary, worth the potential side effects or is having any beneficial effect for your dog.