Apr 29, 2023 - 01:28 PM
The amount of garlic in the Internal Powder formula is quite safe for healthy dogs and cats. A particular study on garlic has been misinterpreted, and only shows that garlic ingested in extremely large amounts taken for an extended period of time may cause changes in red blood cells. An animal would never ingest that large of an amount of garlic used in the study, so the information found online about garlic is misleading. Garlic is very safe and healthy when used properly. The amount of garlic found in Internal Powder is well within appropriate limits and safe for dogs and cats. By the way, when the extremely high dosages of garlic used in the study were stopped, any perceived changes went right back to normal. So, in order for garlic to be potentially toxic to a dog or cat you would have to give very large amounts of garlic, for an extended period of time and then CONTINUE to give the garlic even after signs such as lethargy or weakness were noticed. We have been using garlic for our animals for decades and never an issue. Unfortunately, information found online is not consistently reliable, always try to get your information from knowledgeable sources.