Oct 15, 2023 - 02:35 PM
During the process of harvesting antler, the elk are awake and with their herd. They first go through squeeze chutes that help to lower the stress of the elk. These chutes work because elk are herd animals and get a sense of security from the gentle pressure and feel of the chute as they pass through. After this electric pulses are used to humanely and painlessly harvest the antlers from the elk. This type of pain relief works by using electronic pulses that interfere with the transmission of pain signals along nerves. A styptic powder is applied to disinfect the area and the elk are then immediately released with the herd and appear to suffer little discomfort from the antler harvesting process. In addition, since we source the antler for our Elk Velvet Antler supplement from a family farm that we communicate with frequently, we know the elk are very well cared for by their human family that are very dedicated to their elk.