Jan 15, 2024 - 02:27 PM
The capsules we currently use for our Systemic Enzyme formula are #1 capsules. In the future we will be using #2 capsules which are only a little bit larger for issues relating to encapsulating the enzyme formula. Sizes #1 and #2 capsules are smaller than anything you generally see in the human supplement industry. Having said that, placing them in some organic coconut oil usually works well. Place some coconut oil on a spoon, flatten it out a bit, place the capsule in the oil and then fold the coconut oil over so the capsules are on the inside. Hand to your dog and he should take it as a treat or it can be placed into his mouth. You can follow my suggestions using meat if necessary. However, since meat is a protein some of the activity of the proteolytic enzymes will be used to start breaking down the meat/protein. I would rather you use real meat than pill pockets that have a whole lot of junk in the ingredients.