Mar 03, 2024 - 03:10 PM
The Daily Multi Plus provides nutrients from organic herbs and superfoods to improve the overall vitality of an animal, as well as digestive enzymes to improve nutrient absorption from food and probiotics to improve the health of the digestive tract. This supplement alone may solve your dogs issues because poorly broken down food can cause inflammation in the digestive tract and a lack of beneficial flora can lead to fermentation of food, inflammation etc... However, it is likely that more will need to be done to help improve the health of your dog's digestive tract. Two other supplements called Diarrhea Relief and Repair and Strengthen are typically needed. In addition, a healthy whole food diet is often beneficial because processed pet food diets typically contribute to digestive tract issues in dogs and cats. We provide some tips on how to provide your dog with a healthy diet in our article How to Feed Your Dog. The time frame in which health issues like IBD are resolved can not easily be approximated, sometimes quickly and easily and other times more attention is needed. If you do need more help please use the form on our Contact Us page so we can better help you.