Is there any known side effects to the DM package for my dog?
Degenerative Myelopathy Supplements for Dogs
Degenerative Myelopathy
I'm on the second week of giving my dog these supplements. However, I cannot find any listed side effects or suspected side effects anywhere. I am trying to be vigilant to see if she's having a reaction to any specific thing. The Powders seem to be perfectly fine with no side effects. The first day I used the tinctures, I noticed she was coughing or clearing her throat consistently throughout the day. She also seems to burp more. The second time I tried, I cut back her steroid to once a day and cut back the tinctures to twice a day but still noticed her making some odd sounds throughout the day. Is this normal? Are there any specific side effects I should be keeping an eye out for?
Open Mar 12, 2024 - 02:52 PM
Mar 12, 2024 - 02:52 PM
Since the supplements and herbal remedies you are providing to your dog are basically organic food, with no additional additives, there are no side effects with which to be concerned. That is not to say on rare occasions an animal can not be sensitive to a particular ingredient in a formula and in this case you might notice some tummy upset. If you are squirting the tinctures directly into her mouth, they should be squirted into the gum "pocket" on the side of her mouth. If she breathes in some liquid this can make her cough. If you are not sure how to do this correctly then mix the liquids into a small amount of treat food like yogurt or apple sauce or even the main meal. The powders should be wet before fed to your dog and mixed into some treat food or the main meal. If the powders are dry these can be inhaled and cause coughing as well. Please be aware that steroid medications have all sorts of side effects and I would encourage you to research online to see if this applies to what you are seeing with your dog. If you still have concerns please email us at so we can help you further.
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Degenerative Myelopathy Supplements for Dogs
Our Degenerative Myelopathy Package consists of the four supplements for dogs that we consider to form the foundation of our Natural Degenerative Myelopathy Protocol. This supplement package for dogs with DM is a research-based protocol developed by a certified Master Herbalist working alongside a c...
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