Mar 28, 2024 - 12:21 PM
Typically, commercial pet foods are low in protein or utilize poor-quality protein in their formulas. Our Whey Protein Isolate is an organic, bioavailable source of protein that can be mixed into food. As a general serving we suggest one tablespoon daily mixed into meals. For your 15 lb cat this would equate to about 1 1/2 teaspoons. A soft cat food of some sort would be needed as it would be hard to mix into dry kibble (for dogs this probably wouldn't be an issue). Our Whey Protein Isolate can also be used as a protein source in homemade diets or as a replacement for meat in some diets for an animal with kidney disease because whey protein isolate is lower in phosphorus. This would require some simple math to determine how much whey protein would be needed to replace a certain amount of meat.