Jul 10, 2024 - 07:58 AM
The dosages for the Nordic Naturals Fish Oil are obtained from average dosages (not minimum or maximum) used in various published studies using fish oil for animals. The outcome of these studies suggest a minimum dosage of approximately 75 mg per kg (2.2 lbs) of combined EPA and DHA (not fish oil itself) up to a maximum of 300 mg per kg of combined EPA and DHA daily. You should try to use the minimum effective dosage to accomplish your goals. In your question you mentioned the discrepancy in recommended dosages. I believe this may be because the lower dosage if for general health and the higher suggested dosage may be for issues related to heart disease such as clotting, blood pressure etc... Just a quick mention about iodine. Generally speaking, since iodine is a micronutrient that the body needs very little of, you will get sufficient amounts of iodine from a normal diet. I just wanted to mention this to you because the dosage of 12 mg you mentioned in your question is way too high. Individuals supplemented with 400 micrograms or more of iodine daily showed signs of subclinical hypothyroidism as too much iodine can negatively impact the thyroid gland. We always try to caution people about the very high dosages of nutrients found in manufactured vitamin supplements and that is why we solely provide whole food vitamin and mineral supplements for our dog and cat clients.