Jul 12, 2024 - 03:35 PM
Yes, Chia Seed Oil and Fish Oil provide different health benefits. Chia Seed Oil provides the highest ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids of all plant-based oils. We use this oil as an environmentally friendly way to increase the anti-inflammatory omega 3 profile for dogs and cats. Chia Seed Oil provides primarily the omega 3 fatty acid alpha linolenic acid (ALA) that is particularly beneficial for skin and coat. But this oil does not convert very well to the well known fatty acids EPA and DHA in dogs and even less so in cats. EPA and DHA are of course highly researched and if they are what you want you will have to use a fish oil. One tablespoon of chia seed oil has 9 grams (9,000 mg) of omega 3 fatty acids which would be just under one teaspoon daily for your dog. Chia Seed Oil does contain oxalates as most seeds do, which are normally fine for animals with healthy kidneys, but I might stick with Fish Oil for your dog with kidney disease. We have always felt that harvesting krill, since it is a food source for marine mammals, is not an environmentally-friendly choice. If you would like to learn more, we do provide an educational video on Kidney Disease in Dogs and Cats if you are interested and have not yet watched it.