Aug 31, 2024 - 11:15 AM
We are not doctors so we can not provide medical advice, but I can provide some suggestions for you. I feel that the BioSuperfood F3 will be fine for you with some caveats. If you have high-blood pressure start with the F1 formula. If using the F3 formula start slowly using one BioSuperfood capsule in the morning then wait seven days and add another one one the evening. You can wait another seven days and add an afternoon capsule if you wish. Then, have your antibodies checked and see where they stand. If they are low/normal you can add in more capsules if you like. If they are higher now than previous to using the BioSuperfood then the F2 formula may be more appropriate for you. To reduce inflammation I would consider a fish oil supplement like Nordic Naturals. To support the health of your thyroid gland I would consider a thyroid glandular supplement. While vitamin D, magnesium and other nutrients can contribute to healthy bones, we have found that for brittle bones a high-quality Collagen Supplement can be very helpful. Good luck!