Dec 03, 2024 - 08:09 AM
Muscle jerks as you transition into sleep can be normal and are called myoclonic jerks. With your dog however, I feel they may have been brought about by an imbalance in her electrolytes caused by her period of digestive upset. I suggest that you consider feeding her a properly prepared homemade diet and we offer instructions for this in our article How to Feed Your Dog. Also consider the Daily Multi Plus to make sure she is digesting her food properly and to help improve her overall vitality. Continue with the Repair and Strengthen. Lastly, provide her with Bioplasma which is a natural blend of essential mineral cell salts. This should all help, but if her muscle twitches continue consider adding in some extra magnesium to her food in the form of magnesium glycinate. Keep in mind that supplements for people provide dosages for 150 lbs so adjust the serving of human supplements for your dog's weight. If, in the end, you feel that your dog does have an anxiety or nervous system issue you could also consider the Anxiety Blend.